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News and Events

Milano, 24 maggio 2012

Community Dynamics and New Marketing - International Conference

The new space emerging in networks, where strategic marketing, communication, branding, sales, and new CRM converge and find new effectiveness

Casa Cardinale Ildefonso Schuster
via S. Antonio, 5

The volatility of the markets has affected the stability of customers’ segments and the ability of firms to address them. The new scenario is dominated by networks, where interactions are multiple, and clients can disintermediate distributors and even producers. The process is getting every day faster. In the while, networks have become the main source of knowledge as well: communities and the connected intangibles are emerging as new fundamental assets. Networks have defined a new form of customer, who cooperates with firms and other people in developing products, while enterprises’ borders have become porous and uncertain. Social networks and the internet of things aggregate terabytes of information that now can be computed and modeled by sophisticated and powerful computational systems, opening the road for a new era in business intelligence and CRM systems.
The conference aims are to question the most compelling issues that organizations are facing in innovation and marketing, to give a glance at some meaningful experiences, and to discuss arising issues and new perspectives.

Conceived and Realized by EMIC and PDMA Southern Europe


Genova, 21 aprile 2012

Humanitas Classica e Cristiana - Convegno internazionale

Convento dei PP. Agostiniani Scalzi
Fossato di San Nicolò, Genova

Il programma del pomeriggio di studi prevede le introduzioni del Presidente del Centrum Latinitatis Europae, Prof. Rainer Weissengruber e del Presidente della sede genovese, Prof. Andrea Del Ponte. Seguono gli interventi del Prof. Paolo Zanenga ("Umanesimo ed economia. Humanitas in rebus oeconomicis"), del Prof. Eros Barone ("La crisi dei saperi socratici, una sfida per l'humanitas"), del Prof. Marco Bartin ("Basilio di Cesarea e il Discorso ai giovani - ovvero come trarre cristianamente profitto dalla letteratura classica"), del Prof. Ronan Sheenan ("Humanitas in the writings of Oscar Wilde") e del Prof. Moreno Morani ("Lingua dei pagani e lingua dei cristiani: elementi di continuità e discontinuità tra eredità pagana e risignificazione cristiana").



30 novembre 2011

Convegno 'Creazione e acquisizione di beni intangibili. Strumenti di valorizzazione e finanziamento'

Centro di ricerca per l'innovazione e la proprietà intellettuale - Liuc IP Center
Università Carlo Cattaneo - LIUC
Piazza Soldini 5, Castellanza (VA). 30 novembre 2011 - h.14:15-16:30

In che modo oggi i beni intangibili rappresentano un’opportunità per le imprese che innovano o che vogliono valorizzare competenze specifiche, know-how,progetti, invenzioni, disegni, brevetti, marchi, brand…? Con quali modelli e con quali risorse, finanziarie e gestionali, possono oggi competere le imprese, piccole, medie e grandi? Come scegliere, costruire e organizzare asset intangibili in grado di creare valore? Quali sono le prospettive di sfruttamento, valorizzazione e finanziamento? Gli esperti ne parlano con le imprese.

Dott. Ing. Paolo Zanenga, Imprenditore e Presidente per il Sud-Europa di PDMA (Product Development and Management Association)
Dott. Massimo Covino, Consulente per i finanziamenti alle imprese, accreditato ABI (Associazione Bancaria Italiana)
Dr. Emiliano Puddu, Ricercatore presso l’Università Carlo Cattaneo – LIUC e responsabile scientifico del Centro di Ricerca per l’Innovazione e la Proprietà Intellettuale, LIUC IP Center

Dr. Francis Scanlan, MBA, Global Technical Director at Campari Milano
Dott. Ing. Sara Giordani, Esperto di trasferimento tecnologico e direttore del Centro di Ricerca per l’Innovazione e la Proprietà Intellettuale, LIUC IP Center.


5 ottobre 2011

Assochange - Alle frontiere del cambiamento organizzativo

5 ottobre 2011 h:18-20 - presso Fondazione Forma. Piazza Tito Lucrezio Caro, 1 Milano



July 12th, 2011

Diotima Lab: Intellectual Property Rights in Open Networks

The new Microsoft Innovation Campus
Via Lombardia, 2/a - 20068 Peschiera Booromeo - Milano
Sala Windows 4 - h.15:00-18:00

The knowledge generation is emerging more and more in open networks. This is in sharp contrasst with the model of an idea growing inside the mind of an individual, or in a small group working in secluded environments, leaving to the owner's decision if caring the secret, protecting the IP, or spreading the knowledge, but through a governed process. The generation of intellectual capitals through interaction among different agents assumes instead that multiple contribtions let new concepts emerge in open environments. The new scenario needs a specific behaviour, some sort of a new ethics, but also a new sets of rules based on shared grounds, what we probably still miss, e.g. new methods and systems to describe intellectual credits, to define IP, and to monitor transactions: a new class of transactions, based on the emergence of patterns in an open, multi-agent system, rather than on bi-lateral exchanges. May we continue to manage these open networks, these "social innovation processes", with the classic paraphernalia, coming froma a long-established reductionist culture, where knowledge can be "packaged", "owned", and "transferred"? How these match with a new dynamics, much more open, fast, and "liquid"? Are they becoming oversimplications actually causing complications and slowdowns? The comparison of multiple, highly qualified experiences, coming from different fields and areas, could suggest effective solutions, interesting insights, and perhaps new conceptualizations. Thi is the aim of the Thinking Lab of July 12th. THere is a restricted number of discussant, to concentrate the meeting in a short span of time, and also a restricted number of guests: the Thinking Lab i not an event to spread information, but mainly to generate new knowledge and possibly new research directions; it is not a public event, even if future developments cannot to be excluded.

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